Customer Testimonials

We work very hard for our customers because nothing pleases us more than helping our clients achieve the dream of affordable home ownership. We want to add you to our list of very satisfied customers.

Read what others have said about working with us:

What Our Customers Say About Us

We care what our customers think of us and so should you. We are partners in your business and your success is ours.

Very happy with the services provided by moonstar. Kunal was very helpful, patient and very knowledgable as he provided me best options as per my needs.


Kunalbhai, we appreciate the quick and smooth refinancing process. Thank you!


Hi Kunal, you were very helpful with refinancing my loan. Thank You


It was smooth and seamless experience with Moonstar Mortgage. Many kudos for their support.


It was a pleasure getting to know Moonstar Mortgage during my mortgage process. I appreciate the prompt responses from all the staff.

Mayur Shah

Moonstar Mortgage = excellent service perfect collaboration time punctuality = 9 out of 10

Meet Patel

Moonstar Mortgage went above and beyond to keep me apprised about the loan. Great job. 5 stars.

Tofik Laliwala

Hemant Shah is professional with excellence in his job description, has integrity, compassion and accountability. He shows respect and highest degree of patience. He took care of my refinances of both the houses in a documented shortest time. I will definitely refer customers to Moonstar Mortgage and wish the best of all the bests.

Sm Arief

I just wanted to thank you for your transparency and prompt services.  My refi only took 2 week from start to finish.  Your guys make it very easy and simple.  I would highly recommend your mortgage needs to anyone. Thank you.

Wazeer Abbas

Superb extra ordinary Services with quick response.

Hiren Trivedi

Hi Hemant,
Just want to recognize your great customer support. I got my refinance with lowest efforts and less time.
You have given me the best refinance rates with excellent service. I will surely recommend your services to my friends and family.

S Patel


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